Monday, February 16, 2009


Originally uploaded by major79
This is the small flower of the Akebia vine. You can really appreciate the sculptural qualities of its form in this close-up shot. My tags on flickr are major7.


Originally uploaded by major79
Here is a recent addition to my Flickr account. I forgot the name of the variety, but can look it up if anyone is interested. I like the combination of pink and orange petals. It has a strong scent too.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Created my page - still want to post a photo of the food, but when I upload it, it is gigantic - will try later. I can see us using Wikis to work on policy and procedure updates. It is often difficult for all of us to be together at the same time. Using a wiki would be much better than sending emails around or simply waiting for a staff meeting to discuss ideas. Wikis could serve a similar function as our intranet - but interactive and easily updated. See my wiki page at: